
教授 生物学 瑞秋Bergstrom is hard to miss on campus — 和 not just because of her pink hair 和 bright glasses. She’s one of the most exuberant people in any room she enters. 前 AMP mentor 和 co-host of the video series, 我们来谈谈冠状病毒在美国,她现在是 卫生科学学院. She discusses her vision for the school, 她是怎么来的, 以及是什么、是谁帮助她成为了今天这个受人爱戴的教授和导师.

卫生科学学院 导演雷切尔·伯格斯特罗姆为她进入的所有空间带来了欢乐和对人与科学的热情.

最让你兴奋的是什么 卫生科学学院 和一个新的 护理 partnership with Edgewood College?

这么多事情! 克里斯汀Labby 建起了那么多伟大的东西 建议 为学生们策划活动和项目,我很高兴能让他们走出去. I’m excited for us to highlight our alumni. 现在是医学院的录取季节, 和 I’m excited to highlight recent alumni [who have gone on to professional school], 所有人都是这样的, “是的! 帮我联系一下在校生. I’ve really learned a lot through this process.”

(通过埃奇伍德学院的BSN项目)我们真的希望学生们仍然拥有伯洛伊特学院学生的身份. 有了BSN, students will be able to stay here; they won’t have to uproot for a short time 和 then uproot again after they’re done. 每个人都对这个机会感到非常兴奋,这对我们的学生和社区意味着什么. 像我们这样开展校内合作的学校并不多. 我很兴奋 护理 我们校园的学生. It’s a profession that fits really well with the liberal arts.

What’s already in place with the school that students can get involved in?

我们有第一堂课 紧急医疗技术员(EMT) 黑鹰科技的学生,他们玩得很开心,也学到了很多东西. It’s been hard 和 exciting 和 frustrating 和 exhilarating for all of them, so seeing how that has worked this semester, I’m thinking of the best way to do it next. It’s so wonderful that they can do it as part of their Beloit time; it’s like an internship of sorts. 我对此非常兴奋.

We’ve got our second semester running with the Center for Interprofessional Practice 和 Education (CIPE). Our students are doing a dementia care 和 awareness program. CIPE的目标是帮助人们在医疗团队中更好地工作,提高人们对痴呆症的认识. 我正在为其中一个团体提供便利, with professional school students from UW-Madison 和 our students. This semester, we’re working with caregivers of people living with dementia. Students have gotten to meet 和 面试 caregivers, 他们将通过老龄化和残疾资源中心与痴呆症护理专家合作. Instead of focusing on the person living with dementia, the program is focused on the resources the caregiver needs. 在我的小组里, 他们住在一个美丽的农村地区, 要确保这个人在家里得到他们需要的支持和照顾自己的能力就变得复杂了. The goal is to give the caregiver a packet of resources tailored to what they need. 照顾者正在考虑什么时候他们要把他们所爱的人转移到一个更支持性的护理中,以及他们可以让他们在家里和他们在一起多久? We have some ideas of questions we need to ask 和 how to approach it. It’s been a really eye-opening experience for our students, 和 I hope we can continue our relationship. Students get a badge — a credential on their resume — for this. 和他们一起工作很愉快.

Observing the effects of the solar eclipse on shadows in April. Observing the effects of the solar eclipse on shadows in April.

What about new experiences they can look forward to in the future?

我们正致力于与威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校在物理治疗方面建立更牢固的关系. We’re also still navigating our partnership with Beloit Health System. 我们有一个 通往见习和实习的道路 在那里,我们安排了几个学生在这学期的下半段做见习. It’ll be a professional experience to apply, 面试, 然后被接受, 和 students will have to think about what kind of shadow experience they want, 他们想看的东西. We’re working with 护理 education folks, 他们会根据学生的需求量身定制,并确保他们为学生建立联系. Lots of students come to Beloit 和 say, “I want to do something in healthcare, 但我不知道是什么.” Let’s get them in to see a few things.


研究生院告诉我,我能对科学产生最大影响的地方是教科学家. I have a liberal arts background; I went to North Park University in Chicago, 和 I hugely benefited from the liberal arts training. It fit really well with my personality 和 interests. 我发现,有机会做一些非科学的事情,思考它们是如何联系在一起的,以及跨学科工作如何影响不同的思考问题的方式,这一点很重要. I also benefited from the small class size; I knew all of my professors 和 had the opportunity to work with them 和 get to know them as people. 他们激发了我的热情.

I had thought in college that I wanted to go to med school. 我参加了MCAT考试,在医院做了四年的抽血师,然后对在医院工作失去了兴趣. 我对研究更感兴趣. I got a job in a research lab at Northwestern, then got into grad school. 我进入了我梦想中的学校,我想拥有一个研究实验室,但我意识到,这并不能给我带来最大的快乐,也不能带来最大的改变. At the end of grad school, I felt kind of lost. 我在曼卡托州立大学(Mankato State)找到了一个休假的替代职位,然后开始申请工作,我知道我的父母即将在附近的门罗退休, 生病了., so I applied to Beloit 和 面试ed 和 was like, “I could work here!”

骄傲地展示埃奇伍德学院授予的荣誉护士学位表彰她为建立 自豪地展示埃奇伍德学院授予的“荣誉护士”学位,以表彰她为建立 双学位护理伙伴关系.

What gets 你 excited about teaching college students?

我的专业是神经科学, 和 I teach one neuro course once every other year, so I get to teach a bunch of different stuff. I love that I’m teaching Emerging Diseases — which I’m not trained in, 但我喜欢训练自己. (今年)我的第一件t恤是根据我们在课堂上做的一个案例研究制作的,这个案例是关于他们如何从中欧的狐狸身上根除狂犬病. 布瑞特Scharringhausen 为我设计的. I like that I can take science seriously without being serious myself. I can find silly things like that that students will remember. 我喜欢在这里教科学,对我的学生有很高的期望, 但我可以把自己融入到课堂中,通过提供建议来与学生合作.

我一直被鼓励去做生物系以外的事情,这对我的职业发展很重要. 我从中学到了很多 AMP 现在,作为健康科学学院的新院长,我正在学习更多的东西. 它帮助我更好地了解整个大学,以及学生们体验这个地方的方式, which then comes back to how my classroom is set up, 我的办公时间, 我如何与学生互动. I think that it comes down to feeling like I can be myself, 这并不是说我在努力达到其他人在做的事情或对科学的期望. 我要成为 myself, 和 that improves what I do.

I dyed my hair pink one summer 和 said, “Ugh, now I have to dye it back. 我必须是专业的.[生物学名誉教授] 肯Yasukawa “为什么? 这不会带走Ph值.D.记住这一点很有帮助. I got some good mentoring not just from my department, 但也有从事行政工作和从事科学研究很长时间的女性. 我知道我不是每个人的菜, but I’ve found my place at Beloit where I can be more people’s cup of tea. That all matters for connections with students, too.

Who were some of those mentors who taught 如何成为一名导师?

房地产格罗斯曼 和肯安川对我来说非常重要,他们帮助我度过了终身教职,支持我. 布瑞特Scharringhausen has also helped me to stick with who I am in important ways. 埃里克·博因顿总统查克•刘易斯 helped me to figure out that I like to think about institutional systems, 和 that wasn’t something that I thought I was interested in. 然后是我妈妈! My mom is really good at connecting with people 和 just being friendly.

What gets 你 ready for a busy semester?

重要的是,我已经开始更好地在工作和家庭之间划清界限了. That has made a huge difference in my life in the last year. 我有一个快三岁的孩子和一个五岁的孩子,很难划清界限. Another thing is that I have to have not-work things 和 creative things to do.

I like that I can take science seriously without being serious myself. 我要成为 ... "I like that I can take science seriously without being serious myself. 我要成为 myself, 和 that improves what I do.”

我编织—— 每一个人 知道我在编织 到处都是. I’m also finishing redoing my front rooms [in my home]. 圣诞节期间, I undertook a huge project of taking down a wall, 和 now I have to finish it before I get to other projects. I’ve been a runner for most of my adult life, I’m prioritizing that. I teach from 8-10 on Mondays, Wednesdays, 和 Fridays, 和 then 10-11:30, I run. 这太棒了. I work long days because of committees 和 governance 和 faculty meetings, 所以,给自己留出空间和时间,让自己停下来做点别的事情,真的很有意义.

Britt 和 I have regular study hall together. We go to Bagels 和 More 和 have coffee 和 work. It’s nice to have time in a different space. We don’t necessarily work on anything in particular, 但是有其他人坐在那里负责——还有肉桂卷! 这是美妙的. 和一个平时不常见面的人在一个不同的空间里真好.


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